How to build a website while building a brand

If you’re just starting out in your business journey, you probably know you need a website. You probably searched website design and ended up buying a template of sorts and launched your site pretty quickly following what the design of the template offered you as a placeholder. But what if you designed it with intention?

What if you started building your website AND your brand around your content– your business story? What would the design process look like then?

Websites should be designed around content

We believe that every website needs to start with understanding the content it will deliver to the end user, and then the design happens around that. You shouldn’t feel like you are putting a square peg into a round hole when designing your website. Your website has one goal: to convince the user to take an action that results in a win for your business. This could be as simple as signing up for an email list, reading available resources, or buying a product or service.

But what if you don’t have any content yet?

Your website should be easy to GROW with your business. Start simple: start with a single homepage and add to that once you need to. When you’re just starting out, you probably have only one offer or one product that you are starting with — you don’t need to spend hours building out multiple pages when your homepage will suffice in the beginning.

It’s okay that you don’t have a ton of content — you don’t need a super fancy website template telling you otherwise. Start with the most important things you need to answer to your audience first.

You only need one page to begin.

Your homepage could start as the only page on your website to begin. Ideally, you’ll want to add more pages as you go but it’s okay to launch your website with one single page. But this page needs to answer three questions:

What you do

What problem you solve

and how someone can buy it.

If you’ve answered those three questions: congrats. You’ve built a working website that is on its way to helping you guide a potential customer into a fan.

Done is better than perfect.

Remember, building a website is not just about having an online presence; it’s about creating a space that speaks to your audience and grows with your business. Your journey doesn’t need to be perfect from the start, and it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right away. Start small, focus on your message, and let your website evolve as your business does.

So, whether you’re just launching your business or looking to refresh your online presence, keep it simple, stay focused on your content, and make sure every page has a purpose. Your website is a tool to connect with your audience and convert visitors into customers. Make it count.

Ready to build a website that truly represents your business? Let’s get started.